Building Emotional Tolerance: A Transdiagnostic Approach to Understanding and Treating Eating Disorders

  • Event
  • Friday, May 03, 2019

Clinicians and treatment programs have long been adept at facilitating symptom management strategies for individuals struggling with eating disorders. However, the problem of regression back into disordered behaviors over time continues to plague the field. Intolerance of difficult emotional experiences has been identified as a key etiological and maintaining factor of eating disorders and other maladaptive coping behaviors. 

This workshop will examine the psychological complexity of eating disorders and explore the benefits of a cutting edge transdiagnostic treatment that builds emotional awareness, acceptance and tolerance through targeted emotion exposure interventions. Through experiential demonstration, this workshop will demonstrate emotion exposure techniques that are the foundation of The Renfrew Center Unified Treatment Model for Eating Disorders®.

The seminar will be held from 9:00AM – 4:00PM on April 3, 2019 at The Doubletree by Hilton Hotel Bethesda – Washington DC and is titled "Building Emotional Tolerance: A Transdiagnostic Approach to Understand and Treating Eating Disorders.” Included in the workshop is a continental breakfast and networking luncheon, as well as 6 CE credits. For more information on the seminar please visit

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