VIRTUAL OPEN HOUSE: Howard University: Department of Nutritional Sciences: Clinical Coordinated Dietetics Program

  • Event
  • Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Howard University: Department of Nutritional Sciences: Clinical Coordinated Dietetics Program 

Students are invited to attend the Open House for the Coordinated Program in Dietetics
They will have the opportunity to learn about the program, meet the Chairperson, Director, Clinical Coordinator and current interns and get their questions answered.

The program has two open houses, one at each program on campus and other online: We have three programs
1) RDN/MS program
2) Verification program for RDN
3) Summer Program- Starting May 2016-June 2016 (application being accepted)

Open House: 
Face-to-Face Meeting
December 4, 2015
4:00PM-6PM Food Lab Room 131
Address: 516 Bryant Street, NW
Washington DC 20059

Annex 1
Virtual Meeting: December 2, 2015 3PM-5PM (must have gmail address) 
Please RSVP with Dr. Avis Graham at or call 202-806-5658

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